Daily Current Affairs for UPSC- Quiz

Your dream of becoming an IAS/IPS is now closer than ever before.

GRACE IAS brings to you the most relevant questions as part of your Current Affair preparation of UPSC- Civil services exam DAILY.

How to gain maximum from Daily Current affair quiz-
1) This is not a test-
• One who gets the most answers correct does not win,
• One who learns the most from the quiz wins.
2) Attempt the test even if you think your current affairs is not ready.
3) Read the explanation provided with solutions or Google the topic asked in question.
4) This question may not be directly asked in exam, but this topic might. A question in this daily quiz tells you that this topic is important for you exam, you should have basic understanding of these topics.
5) Make a copy. Write down the new things you learned today (in short) in this copy. This is the most important point. Don’t skip it at any cost
6) Revise this copy thoroughly and frequently. You will eventually find many questions in UPSC final paper are from your copy only.
7) Best of Luck